Generate More
Revenue with Your
Download Traffic
Become part of a constantly growing PPI network
and benefit from strong premium partnerships.

Attcractive PPI Model
Up to 2€ per installation
Anti-Fraud Protection
100% real installations
Flexible Monetization
Ad formats for every content type
Exclusive Collaborations
Over 100 high quality offers
Use the full potential of your download traffic with PPI monetization. With Naomy, you can monetize your download or software portfolio further and reliably generate extra revenue. Whether tech blog, download provider or social channel: Present your users with exclusive software offers and benefit from an attractive remuneration with every installation.
Naomy is a leading, invite-only PPI network that specializes in desktop download traffic and connects well-known advertisers with high-reach publishers. We offer above-average compensation and high-volume traffic for a wide range of target groups.
We find the right monetization model for every content format. Whether you run a comparison website, tech blog, or YouTube channel: If you offer specific downloads, Naomy allows you to fully utilize the generated traffic. We provide you with the technical infrastructure to get started right away. Choose the right ad format (Bundles, Download Manager, Smartlink, Popunder, Locker — it’s your decision), copy your individually generated ad codes and insert them into your content.
Smart data helps us determine the best offer for your target group. We automatically detect whether your users are interested in video downloaders, PDF tools, VPN software, or something else altogether. Thanks to a fair and transparent tier system, every confirmed installation is profitable for you.

Our publishers benefit from above-average compensation rates and receive the best offers for every use case.
Our advertisers reach their target group on all relevant channels — with high cost efficiency and accuracy.

Naomy helps selected advertisers achieve their marketing goals. We build bridges between product and target group. Our traffic is characterized not only by its high volume on a global scale, but also by its great diversity and above-average conversion rates.
We track every view, every action, every click. Our partners always know how their ads are performing. Meanwhile, a sophisticated security system ensures that only genuine installations from real users are remunerated. Thanks to many years of experience and an extensive network, we are able to find the right home for every campaign.
Grow Your Revenue Stream with Naomy
DigiBay S.L
Carrer de Sindicat 69 – 6a
Edificio Banco de Santander
07002 Palma
de Mallorca
Phone: +34 971298426
Email: [email protected]